[jsoncontentimporter url=”http://api.statbank.dk/v1/tables” urlgettimeout=”number: who many seconds for loading url till timeout?” numberofdisplayeditems=”number: how many items of level 1 should be displayed? display all: leave empty” basenode=”starting point of datasets, tha base-node in the JSON-Feed where the data is?” oneofthesewordsmustbein=”default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ‘,’. At least one of these keywords must be in the created text (here: text=code without html-tags)” oneofthesewordsmustbeindepth=”default: 1, number:where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustbein must be?” oneofthesewordsmustnotbein=”default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ‘,’. If one of these keywords is in the created text, this textblock is igonred (here: text=code without html-tags)” oneofthesewordsmustnotbeindepth=”default: 1, number:where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustnotbein must be?” ] Any HTML-Code plus “basenode”-datafields wrapped in “{}” {subloop:”basenode_subloop”:”number of subloop-datasets to be displayed”} Any HTML-Code plus “basenode_subloop”-datafields wrapped in “{}” {subloop-array:”basenode_subloop_array”:”number of subloop-array-datasets to be displayed”} Any HTML-Code plus “basenode_subloop_array”-datafields wrapped in “{}” {/subloop-array:”basenode_subloop_array”} {/subloop:”basenode_subloop”} [/jsoncontentimporter]